A Powerful Uncommon Process for Addressing Anxiety with Denise Darlene-Paulicivic

In this episode, Aaron talks with spiritual coach Denise Darlene-Paulicivic about an entirely different way to resolving your anxiety. 

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Show Notes

00:23 min Aaron Talks

I’m always asking deeper questions.. what are the tools that we can use to better yourself in relationships and in every day life?

Many people are bound up by anxious ideas like… what’s gonna happen next? Where is the money I need going to come from? Where’s my relationship headed? Who am I going to end up with? Where’s my career headed?  

And then get stuck in an anxiety loop around uncertainty.

One thing I’ve learned and also coach is practicing presents. 

When you’re present you take your mind off of the past, off of the future, and deal with what’s happening in that moment. 

Many times that helps, BUT how do you deal with heavy amounts of anxiety that continues to come up? 

Anxiety comes up and it triggers the brain to create a problem that isn’t there many times. It puts you a state of fear about the future.

So I invited my relationship and spiritual coach back because I’m very interested in these kind of “loving yourself” hacks if you will… 

Many times in relationships especially it comes down to our perception and learning how to embrace our emotions in the present moment while not creating any harm for a future.

So how can you in a holistic way shift from anxiety  to which by the way is a massive health issue in our culture, to calmness, peace, homeostasis..

If we can learn to calm the sympathetic nervous system and calm the mind that can bring us back to a more centered or grounded place.

Denise had an interesting story to tell about how she used a simple yet powerful tool that can shift everything in moments of anxiety into something else…

3:45 min 

  • Talked a lot about attaching things to our identity, which

  • Triggered when fear shows up

  • Fears around money and the thought of lack

  • implementing curiosity when your brain is tryin to solve a problem

  • every time there’s a problem, theres going to be a negative emotion along with

6 min

  • Curiosity is like waiting for a Christmas present

  • “ I can’t wait to find out”

  • Shuts the brain off, calms the sympathetic nervous system, and you can’t wait to tell the story

  • Grounding place comes with the supporting story

9:20 min

  • Suspending the belief that there is a problem

  • Connecting with God/Spirit

  • “ I remember when it worked out for me”

10:30 min

  • Denises story around a medical bill

  • She spent 7 days in the hospital, and she didn’t have medical insurance

  • Bird interruption

12:30 min

  • Denise went from “where’s this money going to come from to “I am so curious how this bill is going to get paid” with a strong intention

  • Like a great mystery, “ I know it’s coming”

  • Denise didn’t qualify for the first program, she stayed curious

  • The hospital has sponsors for people who can’t pay the medical bill

15:20 min

  • 85% of her bill was covered

  • She eliminated so much personal suffering by staying curious

  • Like “what am I getting for Christmas?”

18 min

  • More like a mystery than detective work

  • Once you have curiosity.. stick with it like “I wonder what else?”

  • Also a component of trust, “something is coming!”

  • Benevolent creative energy

  • Denise has a great tool box for her happiness

  • Whats happens when the voice of anxiety continues


  • Oh fear’s here, time to get curious

  • Denise is on the play ground with God

  • Denise challenges Aaron on needing 2 grand to show up, and reframed it to “I would Like 2 grand to show up”

  • Do you know what you’re going to use the money for

  • Once we start surrendering, you have full permission to say “I don’t know”

24:45 min

  • Releasing attachment to the outcome and the path is in your

  • On a brain level it releases the self-doubt

  • It takes your attention off of the need to suffer in anxiety

  • “I don’t have to figure it out” is Denise’s relationship with Spirit / God

  • Choices that brings challenges, aren’t wrong.. sometimes you need the challenge and the test

27:30 min

  • It takes courage to learn from life challenges

  • The ego is all about trying to figure things out

  • “Do I want to continue to suffer?” My way out is to do the complete

  • Control is brought to you by fear


29:40 Aaron Closes

Thanks of listening to TKOL Podcast.

If you’d like to Connect with Denise you can find her at NewParadigmofLove.com

If you are looking to move past your heartache and gain more self-worth. 

I’d love to connect with you. You can find me here thekindoflove.com/apply

Or follow me on instagram.com/aarontosti

Yo’ve been listening to TKOL Podcast. 

I’m Aaron. 

Best of Love to you

If you’ve found yourself heartbroken, struggling in harmful relationship patterns, you’ve had it and are READY to claim your self-worth and experience the kind of love you want… I’d love to serve you anyway I can. - Aaron Tosti